Archive 07/28/08 - (1)


Improvised Explosive Dreams

Last night or early this humid, rainy a.m.,

Exploding IED's

Kept traumatizing my highly vulnerable brain.


Airplanes, buses, trains, taxis, garbage cans

Continued to blow up,

Like digitally programmed Fourth of July displays.


I couldn't recognize the landscape,

Whether the horrific violence

Was occurring in Turkey, India, Iraq, or Afghanistan.


When I awakened, a pulsating headache

Crossed my eyes, convulsed my gut, with nausea,

Turned my flesh to a spectral shade of slate.


Mortification had obliterated my bedroom.

My name couldn't locate itself, amidst the rubble.

There wasn't enough of me left to identify.





07/28/08 - (1)






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