Archive 08/04/08 - (2)


When the Sky Fell

If it could have, it would have...and it did.

Obviously, I'm talking about the sky,

Not Turkey Lurkey's, Chicken Licken's, or Henny Penny's,


But that blue sky, azure firmament, cerulean heavenly bowl

(Indistinguishable from each other, viscerally, visionarily),

The cosmological object that fell on the planet,


As though it were the asteroid that, colliding with Earth,

Annihilated creatures Paleo-Proterozoic to Cretaceous —

Spores to higher dinosaurs — then disappeared, in a flash...


A force exhibiting the same vast, nacreous blackness

That blanketed the hurtling early world,

From sunless lands and waters to cavernous depths,


Diverted its preordained climacterics, and left it groaning,

In hueless quiescence, under the weight of the fallen sky,

Fated to hibernate in an apocalyptic moment of timelessness,


Until the day when it finally realized

That sleep was inimical to its dream of galactic immortality...

Earth's dream, that is, as it was envisaged by God,


Long before bacteria, amebas, sponges, jellyfish, algal blooms,

Lobe-finned lungfish, amphibians, reptiles

Roamed the once-in-a-lifetime-sustaining ecosphere,


Long before the least meager glimpse of higher-minded creatures

Took their first human cues,

Began fulfilling their destiny as intellectual mammals —


Homos habilis, erectus, neanderthalensis, sapiens

Beings capable of understanding and explaining why

They would ultimately blow up the sky, watch it bury them forever.






08/04/08 - (2)






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