Archive 08/12/08 - (2)


Who and Why

Who am I, why am I, tonight?

If I knew, you'd be the first person in the universe I'd let know,

Disclose the mystery of my elusive identity to.


Perhaps the least and the most I can say

Is that I'm up a tree, suspended in a rain forest's canopy

Teeming with screaming macaques, lemurs, chimpanzees,


Confused not only as to my humanity but my very existence,

The why as to why I'm alive, in the first place,

Why I'm wearing the trappings of a sui generis Homo sapiens.


I mean, how can I be sitting here scribbling,

Pretending to some capacious civilized heritage of nobility,

With a potential for abstraction, creative imagination, ideation,


When I can't even tell you who I think I might be

And what earthly purpose I could possibly have for being here,

When entire worlds are whirring all around me, in space?


How I can even presume to question my raison d'être

Boggles, flummoxes, vexes, discombobulates me,

Propels me to new depths of self-reflexive absurdity,


Creates weird, eerie sensations in my cerebral cortex,

Lifts me to Miltonic heights, on Satanic wings,

Permitting me to see the glorious kingdoms of heaven,

Even as I sense I'm some kind of freakish anomaly,

A netherish creature conceived by a fiendish god

Bent on doing its best to neuter man, dispel his myths,


Rendering me indefensibly feeble, incapable of knowing

Whether tonight is the first or the last of my breaths

Or if tomorrow will grant me one more day's feckelss reprieve,


Allow me to probe the conundrum of why and who I am,

Remove my human trappings,

Discover that my lonely bag of being isn't worth a hill of bones


Or, if it is, that it's not worth a whole hell of a lot more,

Since being, itself, is such a desperate enterprise

In the planet's random span of self-perpetuating rotation.






08/12/08 - (2)






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