Archive 08/23/08 - (1)


Walking the Trap Lines

Another day, walking loneliness's trap lines,

Tripping over my scraggly shadow,

Like a crippled buffalo trying, mightily, to shed its pain,

By slipping through a hole in its frozen terrain

Or just going up in a smokeless solar flair

Emanating from the nowhere, everywhere,

That could easily consume it.


Now, night gathers me into its cavernous vastation,

Mistaking me not as a wounded bison but a bat

That's hanging upside down, from my clammy soul,

Quivering, shivering, shrieking silent cries,

Anticipating that frenzied moment of omniscient intuition,

When my spirit will know it's time to take flight,

Seek what's required to keep it aloft,


At least for one more day, as I walk the trap lines,

Searching for death, to feed my insatiable appetite.

But this evening, things don't appear to be going right.

I can sense it in my marrow-depleted bones.

That immemorial loneliness

(Which never fails to assail man's frail, ailing psyche)

Seems as though it's ready to suck me dry.






08/23/08 - (1)






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