Archive 08/27/08 - (1)


The Dike


With Hillary and Bill Clinton

(Two egocentric peas in politics' clammy pod

Growing on a kudzulike vine

Blocking out Barack Obama's sunshine

And ravaging a party already being boll-weeviled

By racists, swiftboaters, feminists),

Their tantrums and spoil-sport, sore-loser recriminations

Savaging the Democrats' November chances

To put ten fingers and toes in the U.S.'s Swiss-cheese dike,

Keep all the planet's snarling, swelling seas

From inundating us, feeding our carcasses to the sharks...


With Hillary and Bill Clinton

Still operating in public privacy, at full-guillotine tilt,

The GOP's leading pit bull, John McCain,

Doesn't need any additional powder for his blunderbuss.

He can continue to pelt, perforate, the airwaves,

With caustic, blistering, bloodying negative ads

Starring Obama's distaff abominator from the primaries,

Using her words, not his own, to castigate, shame,

Cause voters to doubt, fear, the (uppity?) upstart,

Driving home that what America needs are four more years

Of the Flying Dutchman economy ramming the dike.







08/27/08 - (1)








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