Archive 09/04/08 - (1)


Sanitation Engineers


All of us, at one time or another in our lives,

Join the rank and file

Of mortality's Union of Amalgamated Sanitation Engineers,


Labor for dying's Worldwide Waste Management Corporation,

Pay our dues as diligently as possible,

Given the dire circumstances: mandatory retirement,


Though the age of our terminations varies dramatically,

From individual worker to worker,

Depending on the highly unassayable odds of demise.


In the meantime, we put in our time,

Picking up after others — those we know intimately

As well as total strangers, who comprise the bulk of our hauling,


On those daily routes we drive, ferrying our loads

(Black-putrefying human cargo)

To manicured urban landfills and malodorous town dumps,


Until the day comes when we're set out on the curb,

In galvanized garbage cans or green Hefty bags,

For collection by death's next available truck.







09/04/08 - (1)








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