Archive 09/05/08 - (1)


The Fundamental Math of Politics


Help me out, GOP America, if you can.

I seem to be missing some of the key pieces

In your platform's puzzle of the White House,

Some of the rungs on your ladder to heaven,

The planks in your Tower of Babel's scaffolding.


Clue me in, Mr. Maverick, Mrs. Hockey Mom.

Explain the equation you've postulated

(My math can't seem to solve it):

AA + C – T + G – GM + ST = H.*

Why doesn't my answer jibe with yours?


Does GOP have to equal G-O-D,

Whose divine solution necessitates blind faith?

Or can spiritual human beings,

Merely by counting their fingers and toes,

See that open-mindedness, alone, equals hope?




09/05/08 - (1)








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