Archive 09/17/08 - (1)




Nothing of lasting value, as I see it, anyway,

Ever comes from excessive deliberation

Leavened with clear thinking, sound judgment, reason,

And a sanguine sense of optimism —

Nothing other than the obliteration of spontaneity,

Which can be a virtue or a liability,

Depending on whether you're a politician or a poet.


Since the beginning of time

(My creative stirrings, forty-five years ago),

I've fiercely advocated, and never deviated from,

A "get it all down in one fell swoop" approach to writing,

Much like a hawk sinking its talons into the back of a rabbit,

Unheralded, out of the furious air — just there,

To grasp its prey: the day's metaphor.






09/17/08 - (1)








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