Archive 10/29/08 - (1)


A Calm


This chilly Wednesday morning,

When I should be feeling exceedingly alone, forlorn,

For having cast off moorings, in my tiny skiff,

Set out, on an ocean of perilous loneliness,

Without so much as a heading, let alone a destination,


A calm has enveloped my psyche and my soul.

Barely a trace of agitation trembles me.

I seem to possess equanimity,

Not a come-what-may carefreeness, not resignation,

But an acceptance of something better to come,


Almost relief, despite the formidable unknown

Leering directly into my face,

Like a monster breaching from a medieval map's sea,

Warning explorers to pay heed —

Indeed, an easing of my breathing, a slowing of my heart.


Perhaps this vacuum in which I find myself adrift

Isn't as precipitous, dizzying, disorienting as I anticipated

Because the emptiness accompanying it

(Having been with me for the last three years, at least)

Is now buoying my spirit.




10/29/08 - (1)








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