Archive 10/30/08 - (1)


Memories and History


What do you do with your memories

When you and the one you created them with part ways?

Can they be cryogenically preserved,

Hermetically sealed, in plastic tubs,

Or set out, in plain view, on your shelves, coffee table?


I don't have a clue, though I guess I really should,

Since this isn't my first brush

With history coming to a clattering hush,

Leaving, in its cluttering wake,

Dreams and hopes rushing around, scatterbrained.


Right now, I think I'll just let the dust settle,

Give what's left of my truncated memories

All the time they need, to do their sorting, winnowing,

Determine what to accept or reject,

While history figures out what to do with me, next.




10/30/08 - (1)








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