Archive 10/30/08 - (2)




Despite this Thursday night's frenzied efforts

To locate my adrift spirit,

Amidst the disparate detritus of dissipated souls,

It's failing miserably, as far as I can tell

(Missing the proverbial boat,

Because of a sinister mist on the cosmic high seas),

To fix my position, in history's turbulent backwash.


From my invisible space,

The stars in the universe all seem askew,

Mixed upside-inside-outside down.

They're in full eclipse,

Orbiting, through parallaxes, in willy-nilly ellipses.

Their pulsating illuminations, from eons before now,

Haven't a chance of finding me,


Let alone showing me the way home,

Reminding me that my earthly stay is, at best, subliminal,

Nothing more or less than a progressive dinner

That begins in naked innocence

And ends in a gluttonous orgy of decay and dissolution

That devours every sacred trace

Of the original purpose for God's creative firmament.


But where all this lucubration takes me, leaves me,

I don't know, don't even know where to begin.

Indeed, I don't even feel compelled to ask myself,

What difference does my disappearance, tonight, make,

When existence is inessential, anyway,

And my life is a nebula of inconsequence?

All I can say is "I'm not here...even in spirit."




10/30/08 - (2)








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