Archive 11/03/08 - (1)


Battleground State


As a Show-Me State guy who's casting his first ballot,

I must confess I'm not all that impressed

With my fellow Missourians. They fail to win my vote,


Because my rural and urban-redneck brethren

Are of the fundamentalist Christian stripe,

Displaying outspoken leanings toward evangelism —


Oh, you know, the Branson/Lee's Summit types,

Who believe in speaking in tongues, charismatic rapture,

Snake-handling faith healing, spiritual-warrior Pentecostalism,


Who have and hold their guns, for better or for worse,

For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish, till death (anyone's) do they part,


And who refuse to allow their womenfolk

To give up the young 'un in the oven,

Come rape, incest, irreversible deformity, or meth addiction.


This morning before the presidential election,

USA Today focuses on the Cave State's neck-and-neck race,

Quoting a Missouri State University political scientist,


Highlighting such enlightened pronouncements as these:

"Missouri is still a conservative state at its heart"

And "There's a percentage of even Democrats


"Who are unlikely to vote for Barack Obama

Because he's too liberal and because of his race"...

Or, in Missouriese, "We fuckin' hate commie niggers."




11/03/08 - (1)








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