Archive 11/05/08 - (2)


Making History


History is swift and mercilessly, irreversibly unforgiving,

Not so much lacking compassion as indifferent,

Detached from humanity's frantic antics.


And so, after his gracious concession speech, last night,

The Republican candidate for President of the United States

Has, this following a.m., faded into inconsequentiality,


As has his hapless Alaska-governor running mate,

Both of them less than footnotes, already, subscript trivia,

Lost in the future's onrushing backwash.


Meanwhile, the victor, in his ubiquitous absence,

Is decompressing, resting, catching his breath,

For the fast-approaching rigors of the tasks ahead,


Asking, in this rare brief retreat from the public stage,

Not if he's up to it (he's proven he's fit)

But how he might make history slow down, a bit, listen to him.




11/05/08 - (2)








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