Archive 11/08/08 - (2)


Right Here


Where would I be, right now, if I weren't here?

That's easy for you to ask,

Since you're not responsible for the consequences of my answers.


Sure, you'd speculate that, like W. C. Fields,

On the whole, I'd rather be in Pismo Beach, Azusa, Cucamonga,

If not Philadelphia or Peoria,


Definitely not six feet under or deeper, in Davy Jones's locker —

Anywhere other than where I am, tonight,

Which, inconceivable to your meager sensibility, is inside myself.


So where would I prefer to be, you might ask,

Could I glean meaning from the tea leaves of my soul?

My best guess: nowhere else. I'm blessed to be right here.




11/08/08 - (2)








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