Archive 11/18/08 - (2)


Puny Humans


How could the end of something so monumental

Appear to come to such an out-of-the-clear-blue finality,

When, in reality, it had been hurtling earthward

For more than half a turbulent decade?


It's shameful how we puny humans delude ourselves,

Believing that all is well, even when it's pathetically not.

Why do we demonize those we profess to love the most,

Our closest allies in the struggle against loneliness?


How is it that the harder we try to invoke our better angels,

The more disgracefully we expose our true faces,

Flaunt our selfish motives, petty notions,

Leaving broken souls in our chaotic wakes?


I wish I knew, could impart a truth, from my grieving heart,

But such is not my capacity to enlighten the sad world.

I can't even identify the beasts of my own torment,

Which have ravaged a nearly-twenty-year love affair.





11/18/08 - (2)








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