Archive 11/20/08 - (1)


Thick and Thin


"Through thick and thin, we'll muddle through."

Before, whenever this usually reassuring saying

Popped into his adage-admiring head,


He'd conjure images of brave American doughboys

Slogging in soggy trenches, at Verdun, the Marne, Ypres,

Doing their part to preserve freedom for the world.


And always, he'd suck it up,

No matter the severity of the trouble rattling his cage,

Find the moxie, the right stuff, to weather it,


Come out, on the other side of the storm,

Intact, dry, inspired to try harder, next time,

Get a quicker read, avoid making the same mistake.


But during the past few weeks, for reasons unidentifiable,

The thick has thickened considerably,

And the thin has attenuated into a brittle thinness,


Making things infinitely more difficult

For him to maintain his existence's daily muddling,

Keep his breathing on a measured, easy course.


In fact, as recently as this very morning,

Not three minutes ago, he burst into a shouting rage,

Ranting, venting a tantrum against . . . against what?


Chest heaving, temples pounding, hands fisted,

As if a beast were about to devour him,

He braced himself, for the annihilation of thick and thin.






11/20/08 - (1)












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