Archive 11/24/08 - (1)




Things go awry, amiss, come asunder, atumble,

Then, in their own good time, of their own volition,

Come to their senses, recover, regain their balance...


Or they don't.

Imagine a pendulum that swings out as far as it can,

Before being beckoned back, by gravity, to the center,


Then gains momentum, on the upswing,

Straining to reach the opposite end.

Imagine some invisible magnet grabbing it, at its limit,


Holding it hostage, in violation of the laws of physics,

Not allowing it to fall, retrace its arc,

Causing a protracted silence in the ordered universe.


Our pendular spirit experiences this

Whenever death gets in time with, seizes, our heart,

Keeps it from starting it very next beat.






11/24/08 - (1)












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