Archive 11/25/08 - (1)


Presidential Pardons


As if, in his almost-eight-year bull-in-a-china-shop romp

Through America's jurisprudential landscape,

President Bush hadn't already trashed the Constitution,


He's recently shown the nation that, even as a lame duck,

His cajones are intact (not, as believed, diced and minced),

Still guide him, from their cockpit, in the seat of his pants...


Shown, to us disenchanted, disgusted, pissed off citizens,

That he's yet capable of rising above and beyond,

Blatantly abrogating, unilaterally abnegating, the law,


By granting another flurry of pardons absolute and irreversible,

Reprieves for a confederation of anonymous criminals

(A new salvo of his "compassionate conservatism"?) —


Crooks sentenced for marijuana and cocaine trafficking,

Unauthorized acquisition of food stamps, income-tax evasion,

Illegal treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste,


Myriad variations on the theme of cooking a bank's books

(Embezzlement, misapplication of funds,

Making false entries, reports, or statements),


Conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act

(Which prohibits the importation, into the U.S.,

Of wildlife taken in the breaking of conservation laws) —


And for Leslie Owen Collier, of Charleston, Missouri,

Convicted of unauthorized use of a pesticide

And breaching the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.


Oh, I almost forgot to mention others he's pardoned,

Those who'll never be indicted for their unforgivable crimes:

Wolfowitz, Feith, Gonzalez, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Cheney...Bush.







11/25/08 - (1)












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