Archive 12/03/08


God Save the Commonwealth


Let's hear a resounding hosanna for sovereign Kentucky,

For calling it like they see it,

Calling it like it is.

What am I referring to?, you're asking yourselves, naturally,

Asking me, your surrogate advocate,

Your impartial, wholly reliable all-knowing narrator.

Well, as almost always, it comes down to religion,

Comes down, with a thud, and up, to God,

To His divine authority, which binds all decent Christians.

In 2002, the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Enacted a law requiring its Office of Homeland Security

To include God as a coauthority,

Along with the military, police and health departments,

In all matters relating to threats to the state,

Acknowledging its indebtedness to God's omnipotence.

Four years later, a clause was inserted, into that law,

Mandating a plaque be displayed

Outside the Emergency Operations Center, in Frankfort,

Decreeing that Kentucky's welfare, safety, and security

"Cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God" —

Indeed, a breathtaking church-and-stately affirmation,

One which didn't go altogether unnoticed

By a watchdog group calling itself American Atheists,

Who recently brought suit, against the Bluegrass State,

To have portions of that antiterrorism law removed,

For too-obvious reasons of infringement, to them,

If not to the clause's author, state rep Tom Riner,

Who continues to proclaim God's crucial role

In protecting Kentucky and the nation, from harm —

An unbiased view from a Southern Baptist minister.

















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