Archive 12/05/08 - (1)


Joining the Ranks of the Nouveau Middle Class


How could so relatively few liars and crooks

Steal so much from so many innocent dupes

And not be stoned to death, at least mutilated?


Is there no sure-fire recourse for the multitudes,

To get some restitution in the court of public vengeance,

By protesting, with dystopian uncivil disobedience,


Achieve visceral vindication that might even up the score —

A testicle for an eye, perhaps, a real tit for a tat,

A pound of flesh for an ounce of tiger's teeth?


And what happens next? Do the nefarious go scot-free,

Receive a hand slap, lip-service impeachment,

Before getting back to business as all too usual?


I vote for a systemic change of the system,

Something on the order of turning it inside out, upside down,

Having those responsible for running and ruining companies


Change places with blue-collar muddle-throughers,

To find out what it's like to take a shower after coming home,

Rather than spritzing before being chauffeured to the office.


Oh, I can hear you tittering, off in the wings,

Censuring me, for my naiveté, my idealism,

Chastising me, for my simplistic grasp of human nature,


Hear you asking, "Don't you realize what a fool you are,

That greed is, to nearly all people,

What seeds are to apple trees, apple trees to vast orchards?


"Why are you indicting mankind's most salient trait:

His pernicious instinct for rapacity?

Get with it, fool! Be a thief, or you'll be a beggar, dupe!"


So what do I do, in the meantime,

Since choosing one or the other isn't an option, a choice?

Sleeping on the streets, eating in shelters, is a full-time job.






12/05/08 - (1)












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