Archive 12/31/08


New Year's Eve 2008


Five days into Israel's aerial retaliation against Gaza,

For its murderous reigning down of rockets,

On Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beersheba, in the south,


The new year arrives this midnight —

An agonizing portent for the days ahead:

That ancient disdain between Ishmael and Isaac,


That intractable, ineradicable, irreconcilable antagonism

Festering in the Arab/Israeli generations' DNA,

That ageless divide growing wider and deeper, night by day


(A new settlement wrested out of the desert, here,

A bus, marketplace, restaurant, hotel blown up, there),

History's quid pro quos holding both peoples thrall.


Is it about religion, politics, customs, birthright,

First possession of the land, recorded in Genesis, the Koran?

Or is it more basic — man's innate savagery toward man?


What, ultimately, will happen to God's promised refuge?

Will it succumb, on Revelation's Judgment Day,

Or merely endure eternally, through war after war after war?

















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