Archive 01/05/09 - (1)




This Monday, the fifth day of 2009,

Marks the start of the new year's first workweek.

I'm the only customer in this usually bustling restaurant.


You'd almost think, from the Hopper-like aura,

That a plague had decimated this place.

There's just me, three waitresses, two cooks, and silence.


One might attribute this desolate situation

To a continuation of Christmas and New Year's,

When everyone's schedules are still discombobulated


And people are simply perpetuating those midweek holidays,

By declaring an ongoing vacation.

Perhaps many have awakened to job terminations.


Certainly, winter's chill wouldn't be keeping anybody away.

Yet, here we sit, the seven of us, including silence.

What I want to know is this: why are we here?






01/05/09 - (1)












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