Archive 01/13/09 - (1)


An Honest Lawyer


Whether among his community of fellow legal eagles

Or on the golf course, with clients and judges,

At the three country clubs he traffics between,

Or reading interviews, exposés, and Op-Ed pieces,

In the five newspapers he scours, daily,

Or catching TV sound bites, from pols and pundits,

One word always causes him pause, rankles him,

Raises the skeptical hackles, on the back of his neck,

Fills him with deaf, dumb, and blind fury:


Whenever he hears someone saying, in a unctuous tone,

With a straight face, eye to eye,

To an interrogator friendly, adversarial, or ambiguous,

"Let me be perfectly honest with you" or "To be honest"

Or "In all honesty" or "Honestly,"

He reacts as if incoming Katyusha or Grad rockets

Had set off an elaborate alarm system, in his head,

Abandons whatever company he's in — even his own —

And descends into silence's nearest bomb shelter.








01/13/09 - (1)












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