Archive 01/21/09 - (1)


Long Enough


"I never thought I'd live long enough to see the day."

How many times, during the buildup to and climax of

Barack Obama's inauguration,

Did this phrase trip off the tongue-tips of giddy citizens —

Americans of all persuasions, colors, ages?


Needless to say, the number is inestimable,

As vast as imagination's capacity for astonishment.

Regardless, the sheer fact that such an inconceivable event

Has actually come to pass,

In a nation with a stain of flagrant racism, is miraculous.


No matter how deeply we explore our heritage,

We can't exhume any experience

To compare with seeing a black man become president.

But now that one has, we can change that phrase:

"Thank God I've lived long enough to see the day."







01/21/09 - (1)












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