Archive 02/04/09 - (1)




After a lifetime of writing poems, from various viewpoints,

With a multiplicity of voices —

Persons ranging from confessional, narcissistic first,

Through spectral second, to omniscient he/she/it third —

In flowing lyrical or clipped narrative styles,


You've finally been caught, indicted, by the mind police,

On 9827 counts of "knowingly and intentionally conveying

False and misleading information,"

The specificity of the number equating, undeniably,

With the quantity of poems comprising your oeuvre.


Fully aware you have no defense against these charges,

That hiring a battery of the finest legal brains

Trained in obfuscation, illusion, mendacity, and subterfuge

Can't get you off, you've withdrawn into your soul's cell,

Terrified and despairing, afraid even to have a thought,


Suspecting authorities have hacked into your hemispheres

And are mining every twitch of mental energy

Arcing across your synapses, despite your suppressing them.

You're certain they have you dead to rights,

Have the goods on you, the irrefutable truth of your crime:


You've been disseminating dissembling, illusory innuendos,

Specious images, spurious analogies, fallacious metaphors,

Deceptive allusions, shifty symbols, fraudulent ideas.

Indeed, you've believed, from your first creative spark till now,

That poems are fabricated, from nothingness, as lies.





02/04/09 - (1)












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