Archive 02/10/09 - (1)




From 1988 to 2002, only one or two out of a hundred troops

Were diagnosed as overweight or obese,

Whereas in 2008, the rate was one in every twenty.


Should any of us in this itchy-trigger-finger nation

Be, in the slightest, surprised, astonished,

That there's a correlation between the '03 invasion of Baghdad,


The resulting five-year-protracted Iraq war

(Engendering stress, from combat and multiple deployments),

And the plague of fat soldiers?


Not really, when one considers the culture of our recruits,

Which promotes sedentariness and lethargy,

With fast-/fat-food inducements and video-game beguilements...


Not really, when one considers our overextended Army,

With its other steadily escalating stress-related symptoms:

Divorce, prescription-drug abuse, suicide.


So what's the endgame, one might ask?

Will we eventually resort to hiring soldiers of fortune —

Marathoners, swimmers — to man our ranks, tanks, planes?


Or might we station our armed forces on Green Zone couches,

Behind banks of joysticks, keyboards, mouses,

To wage the only warfare we'll be able to conduct: virtual?










02/10/09 - (1)












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