Archive 02/19/09 - (1)


Seize the Moment


Damned if you do, damned if you don't —

That unaging approach-avoidance conflict

Faced by humankind contemplating euthanasia,


Taking a life to save a life from useless suffering,

Showing a friend the ultimate compassion,

Through judicious mercy killing,


Recognizing that ultimate moment

Of "when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em,"

Call a one-eyed jack of hearts the suicide king.


Will we ever learn to turn the other cheek

To death's reprehensible epithets,

Interpret his tirades as love's embrace?


When the time comes

(Believe me, I'll sense the season, the hour,

That my future is putrid corruption),


I'll put my guardian angel on notice,

Advise him of my intention to assist a "friend"

In circumventing the end's gratuitous travail.








02/19/09 - (1)












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