Archive 03/20/09


World Without Words


Clichés exist to debase language.

Lofty metaphors, haughty symbols humiliate it.

Innuendos, euphemisms, ambivalences, nuances

Prove so diluting as to make discourse impotent.


Lexicons become moribund, defunct,

So planted with land mines as to self-destruct,

When religion, politics, and commerce confederate

To seed doublespeak where truth fails to take root.


It's then that we need to pull the plug on words,

Say, "Adiós," "Auf Wiedersehen," "Adieu," "Aloha,"

Whimper, "Enough!" "I give up, call it quits!"

Require silence — eyes and mouths sewn shut.


Imagine enclaves, nations, a planet

Disengaged from speaking, reading, writing.

But even reduced to groaning and grunting,

People would still be speaking mendacity, duplicity.





















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