Archive 03/25/09 - (3)





Tonight, the ubiquitous blight of loneliness

Has taken another bite out of my tender solar plexus,

Slashed my back, to bleeding, with its cat-o'-nine-lives,

Feasted on my heart, my withered arteries and veins,

Sucked raw my penis, with its feline's sandpaper tongue.


And yet, mauled, I survive, though barely recognizable,

In my incarnation as a unicellular protozoan,

A creature maneuvering across the world's minefield,

Not knowing, from nanosecond to essence to death,

When, again, loneliness will attempt to render me extinct


Or decide to spare my mindless cytoplasmic mass

The rigors of emotional quietus.

Loneliness was never my idea of a life worth dying for.

Indeed, I begged the destinies that originally conceived me

Not to release my jellylike potentialities to creation.


But now, born again, into this senseless shapelessness,

All I can do is submit to the excruciating cruelty

Loneliness exacts from its victims,

Pray that, one day, something will change the equation

And, once more, amebas will rule the great chain of being.











03/25/09 - (3)












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