Archive 03/27/09 - (3)





In an e-mail responding to my birthday greeting,

My ex-wife expressed bafflement about time's ironies

And its swift, shifting, unpredictable slipping away:

"You & I live around the corner from each other

Secluded in our separate solitude"

(Until two decades ago, we spent two decades together).

"A strange world of carousel madness we call life."


Now that she's turned sixty-five

And I'm about to take my sixty-eighth step closer to death,

Casting back is a task our daydreams welcome.

After all, what else do we have to look forward to,

Except that vast afterlife neither of us craves embracing?

I know we both wish we were still riding

Love's gaily-lit, dizzying carousel.










03/27/09 - (3)












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