Archive 03/29/09 - (2)


The Sons of Iraq



The Sons of Iraq —

Who are they? Who were they? Who will they be?

If I've done my eyes-wide-open due diligence,

They're former al-Qa'eda Sunni insurgents

Bribed, with American taxpayers' blood money,

To betray their fellow decriers of our occupation —

Mercenaries recruited by the naive Bush administration,

To help turn the tide on a war going woefully wrong;

Awakening Movement tribal guns hired to surge the Surge.


Just yesterday, a large contingent of them, in al-Fadhil,

Disillusioned with no longer being on our payroll,

Caught in the vacuum between the drawdown of U.S. forces

And the empowerment of their nation's standing military,

Began firing on troops and civilians, at malicious will.

These Sons of Iraq, fully armed and trained by us,

Will, I foresee, be the new face of the resurgent enemy,

Which, too soon, will be calling us back to Baghdad,

To resume Operation Mission Accomplished.







03/29/09 - (2)












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