Archive 03/30/09 - (1)





Now that I belong wholly to myself again,

As I did back in the mid-sixties,

When the nonconformist graduate-school student I was

Knew, intuitively, that the meaning of freedom

Was best left unpremeditated, unenunciated,

To safeguard it against corrosive forces from within —

Youthful hubris, dogmatic didacticism,

Homegrown metaphysical or existential ideology,

The omniscience that possesses us, in our twenties...


Now that I'm no longer beholden to anyone —

Anyone at the other end of the phone, the tunnel,

Anyone lying beside me, in gentle, naked surrender,

Anyone to remind me how fragile, provisional love can be,

Anyone with whom to share candlelit dinners, smiles,

Discover dreams belonging to no one but us,

Anyone to lose to boredom, discordance, divorce —

A colossal burden seems to have lifted from my soul

And a vast serenity descended, as at death.








03/30/09 - (1)












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