Archive 04/01/09 - (2)


World Literature


Last year, I began perusing Dante's Commedia Divina,

Rapidly advancing, from the end of the Middle Ages,

Toward the Renaissance's Don Quixote and Hamlet.


Then I cast further back, to Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, Revelations,

Before landing in the modern era's The Trial,

Mein Kampf, Brave New World, 1984, Fahrenheit 451,


Night, In Cold Blood, Perfume, Falling from Heaven,

And The Reader, with its pitying reconsideration

Of the German people's complicity in Nazi genocide.


And when I finished this sampling of the world's literature,

I realized one overarching truth, writ larger than man:

Humankind's innate predisposition to sadistic cruelty,


That rage to punish the innocent, the helpless, the meek —

Those incapable of defending themselves against evil.

And, weeping, I burned all my books.





04/01/09 - (2)












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