Archive 04/02/09 - (1)


The Euthanasia Question


Getting unnecessarily old, regrettably,

Is an occupational hazard of being born,

These days of artificial organs and limbs, miracle drugs, MRI's,

Noninvasive surgical procedures, life-support systems —

All guaranteed to keep death from dying with dignity,

Indefinitely, if deemed feasible, for hope-beyond-hope reasons

(E.g., Terri Schiavo, Ariel Sharon, if not Superman).


And to make things worse or better or more ambivalent,

Depending on what side of the fence you hide behind,

We, at least here in America,

Have yet to evolve a justification for allowing mercy killing,

Disentangle the ethical dilemma of administering euthanasia

To those desperate souls who believe it's their right to die,

Merely by casting their pro-choice vote not to prolong life.


Where do I, personally, come down on this knotty debate?

I'm glad I asked me.

As I see it, it's all one vast black-not-white issue,

Since human beings are expendable, fundamentally expugnable,

A dime a billion, give or take a million here, there, everywhere.

We should do whatever we can do to facilitate the weeding-out,

Promote, not retard, regressive progress.


We must, at all costs, legislate, nay mandate, mercy killing

Of, by, and for the people, be they Darwinian evolutionists,

With a survival-of-the-fittest predisposition,

Or Christian Creationists, certain Earth was conjured in six days.

Who has time for the moral considerations of verminous persons,

When we really need macro-death ethicists (i.e., genocidists),

To knead society's clay, shape and bake it into the master race?






04/02/09 - (1)












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