Archive 04/13/09 - (2)


Mr. Triple-Threat



Obesity, chronic heart disease, Type 2 diabetes —

America's turkey, trifecta, triple-threat whammy —

Are a colossal malaise, plague, pandemic,

Which, despite our state-of-the-art medical technology,

Has left us flat-lining, fast.


I should know, suffering, as I do, all three —

458 pounds, with 95 percent-blocked arteries,

Popping nitro tablets, sublingually, ten times a day,

Sticking myself, in my elusive bellybutton, hourly,

With doses of insulin that could blind a rhinocerous.


But how can you ask a guy to give up his Twinkies,

His Chicken McNuggets, his Monster Thickburgers,

His Guitar Hero, his TiVo, his La-Z-Boy?

Tell me that the starving refugees in Darfur

Wouldn't give what's left of their nuts, for what's killing me!












04/13/09 - (2)












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