Archive 04/14/09 - (2)


Global Warming



That he keeps losing weight is no fault of his own.

He's almost all but all too sure

That it has something, everything, to do with global warming.


Indeed, greenhouse gases seem to be the logical scapegoat,

Covering everything from political to ecological agendas.

Had Hitler's scientists understood the ozone layer, he believes,


CO2 emissions, from fossil fuels fouling the atmosphere,

Would have been the chief reason motivating the Final Solution,

The evil agent in the equation justifying Jewish extermination.


His excruciatingly emaciated physique has become so grotesque

That the mortified staff and residents at Menorah Gardens

Have ostracized him, relegated him to an invisible ghetto,


So that they won't be sickened by the protruding veins

Crawling along his arms, like blue-tattoo worms,

Nauseated by the stench of the flesh falling off his frame.


He's almost all but all too sure that his weight loss

Is attributable to those pollutants choking, heating the air

Over the few square feet of his refugee's American Dream —


Ghostly prussic-acid greenhouse gases

Metastasizing from fires raging below chimneys,

Turning his weight into ashes burning a hole in his soul's ozone.








04/14/09 - (2)












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