Archive 04/15/09 - (2)





This Wednesday night,

Dining out by myself, for the third time, this week,

I sense an urgent need to escape, flee, hide,

Spend my birthday, Friday, away from this city,

Among strangers, not friends I've never really made.


It's all a wonder, all too inscrutable, mysterious,

How, throughout our lives, society teaches us to believe

That we're entitled to special dispensations

Capable of warding off loneliness, a solitudinous future,

And yet we end up growing old alone.


Perhaps if I drive out of town, in a rental car,

Stop when its gas tank runs dry,

Set down roots in some Main Street's motel and café,

I'll delude myself into thinking I belong there,

Forget to observe my sixty-eighth birthday,


Find that life without antecedents, histories,

Free of personal encumbrances, responsibilities for others,

Could be the key to earthly serenity, eternal salvation.

And once there, I just might decide never to die,

Rather celebrate my spirit's infinite anonymity.










04/15/09 - (2)












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