Archive 04/26/09 - (1)


Peaceful People


The wind, this gloriously warm last Sunday in April,

With its hurly-burly fits and gusty starts,

Is in stark contrast to the unhurried gentleness

Overflowing Forest Park, in celebration of Earth Day —

Thousands of people indulging in harmony,


Strangers come together,

In a covenant of communal oneness,

Unafraid of sharing humble hopes for the future,

Realizing that the fragile planet is in their tenuous keeping,

That their stewardship makes all the difference, in the world,


Between existence and extinction...

Peaceful people walking dogs, holding hands, laughing,

Chasing giddy kids, tapping toes, to the music,

All united in their desire to leave a legacy

Less sullied than the one they've been bequeathed.










04/26/09 - (1)












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