Archive 05/05/09 - (1)


Economic Homeless


Until a few months ago, or so it seems,

When I joined the ranks of the "economic homeless"

(Those of us who've been laid off from our blue-collar jobs —

Automobiles, construction, machine shops —

As distinguished from the "chronic homeless,"

Who struggle with mental illness, drugs, alcohol),

I thought to myself, This is just a temporary situation.


But now it's been more than six months

Since I've been living in this tent city in St. Petersburg,

And I can't get a job, to save me —

Not at factories, not at Wal-Mart, Taco Bell, car washes —

And I'm beginning to get scared.

Thank God for Catholic Charities, which provides me shelter —

Me and another 250 down-on-our-luck Americans.


I used to think my last refuge was my Chevy Malibu.

It was my Budget 8 Motel, till I got here.

When not looking for work, I sometimes just ride the bus.

It helps me pass the time. Or I do laundry, play Monopoly,

Watch TV, in the communal tent.

Every Friday, I sell my plasma, for forty-five bucks.

I can't sleep, for the armadillos burrowing under my tent.


Two years ago, I had a house in Detroit, a GM job,

Making fifty grand a year. Now, I'm wearing donated clothes,

Relying on food provided by churches, caring souls.

Like I said, I'm scared. What if I never find work?

All I need is just enough to have my own place,

Buy my own food, afford my own clothes.

That's not asking too much of the American Dream, is it?





05/05/09 - (1)












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