Archive 05/21/09 - (4)


Tiptoeing Over Earth's Edge


It's leaving our routines, our guarantees,

And returning not quite who we were

That completes the circuit, electrifies the spirit,

Reminds us we can only energize life's dynamism

When we're willing to experience serendipitous risks.


Those of us who stay home, like "fraidy cats,"

Intimidated by the worlds beyond our walls,

And those of us who end up at the same destinations,

Year in, year out, comforted by their familiarity,

Lose sight of the true meaning of travel.


Igniting one's sense of adventure,

Creating "first times," again and again,

Summoning the courage to tiptoe over Earth's edge,

Without fearing falling off,

Illuminates our instinctive lust for the unknown.






05/21/09 - (4)












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