Archive 05/21/09 - (5)


Twenty-Six Times


That archvillainous master of dissimulation and intimidation,

Our former insidiously manipulative forty-sixth U.S. Vice President,

Richard "Dick" Cheney...


Once, I listened to him snarl, insinuate, taunt, cajole, flaunt,

Within the parameters of a single political speech

Defending his One Percent doctrine,


A kindergartenly jingoistic round of chauvinistic litany,

This repetition, which he got in, edgewise, twenty-six times —

"9/11," "9/11," "9/11," "9/11," "9/11," "9/11," ad nauseum —


Until my mind's tongue started speaking in tongues,

Became so agitated that the only language it could approximate

Was a mixture of Tagalog, Inuktitut, Dakota, and Lakota,


Ancient Danish, Old and Middle English, Harlem jive.

And in that troubling, terrifyingly mesmeric moment,

I realized I was listening to the world's successor to A. Hitler,


The crazed, racist bogeyman hobgoblin of the Bush administration,

Who, while the funny-farm barn door was ajar,

Ran away with Dubya's silver-spoon-cow and flew into the moon.


After that transformative speech, I was a changed man.

Evil incarnate became a salvational way of life.

I'd believe absolutely anything anyone might lead me to believe.







05/21/09 - (5)












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