Archive 05/22/09 - (2)


My Disappearance


A week ago, this unbidden Friday night,

I was in the throes of preparing for my disappearance,

Looking ahead, exuberantly, to a foreshortened future,


Excited, contemplating my long-awaited demise,

Relief from the enervating anxiety

Of having to spend so many hours in life's confinement.


Oh, if only I could confide, in you,

How high, how ebullient, how elated I was,

You might sympathize with my immense disappointment,


On learning that, at the eleventh hour,

My petition for early termination had been denied,

Revoked, suspended, on esoteric technicalities.


But adequately articulate, emotionally sensitive words

Escape my capabilities of self-expression.

I remain demoralized by the scope of my surprise.


To say that I was mortified, destroyed,

Would hardly hit the mark; I was drawn and quartered,

My psyche's guts impaled on my spirit's stake, vaporized.


To pray, your entire adult existence,

For relief, surcease, by means of the rigors of rigor mortis,

Might seem eccentric, morbid, monstrous,


And yet, if you could just embrace my burning pain,

You might find yourself wishing the best for me:

A clean, swift departure from my corporeality.


I can't tell you how absolutely devastating it is,

Knowing that my inconsolable sorrow, sadness, and grief

Are at my graveside, mourning my absence from the casket.






05/22/09 - (2)












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