Archive 06/01/09 - (1)


Late-Term Abortions


At sixty-seven years of age and counting stressfully down,

Day to day, hour to hour, second to second to second,

Sunrise to sunset, since 1973


(The year the United States Supreme Court

Ruled that women have a constitutional right to an abortion),

As a courageous champion of reproductive-healthcare rights,


Dr. George Tiller, of Wichita, Kansas,

Was, perhaps, the oldest late-term fetus ever to be taken.

His termination,


Unlike what his pro-life opponents accused him of perpetrating,

Was, metaphorically, figuratively, literally

An unequivocally cowardly and heinous premeditated murder,


A crime committed, while he was performing his Sunday duties,

As an usher, in the foyer of Reformation Lutheran Church,

By another Kansan, from nearby Merriam: Scott Roeder, 51, white.


That Dr. Tiller's life's mission — to respect the prerogatives of females

To make their own choices regarding their bodies —

Was of the most radically controversial sort is incontrovertible,


An ongoing soap opera, whose every daily episode,

Ending in the disclosure of another life that never unfolded,

Was a microcosm of the larger Roe v. Wade show.


Dr. George Tiller, who hewed, rigorously, to the Hippocratic oath

While also remaining honest to his conscience,

Could be, will be, seen, by some, many,


After his cold-blooded decease, yesterday, in a holy sanctuary,

As a martyr to be solemnized, worshiped,

And, by legions of fervent religiologues, as a Dr. Mengele.


What I'd like to know, before the rush-to-judgment dust settles,

Is did Scott Roeder consult with his patient before taking a life?

And did he abide by Kansas's late-term abortion law?







06/01/09 - (1)












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