Archive 06/13/09


Social Darwinism


If you believe that people are, essentially, social creatures,

Creatures of habit, comfort-seeking creatures,

Then it's highly likely you'll find me way too far off the mark

When I theorize, in Darwinian hypotheses,

About the devolution of the creaturely species mankind.


After almost seven decades of exploration

Into the hinterlands, peat bogs, tarpits, and isolated atolls

Dotting the geography named Terra Horribilis,

Home to Homo supinus before, betwixt, and beyond,

I've come to some planet-shattering postulations.


Number one, unequivocally, first and forever foremost,

We human beings are a needy, seedy, greedy, beady-eyed lot,

Strictly conditioned, in our DNA,

To elevate ourselves, at the expense of family members,

Lovers, friends, associates, allies, even pets.


We don't discriminate; we're equal-opportunity defilers —

Racists, hate-crime maniacs, eugenicists, genocidists,

KKK/neo-Nazi disseminators of toxic propaganda

Against niggers, kikes, Untermenschen, innocent bystanders —

Degenerate monsters of the most sadistic stripe.


Second, seemingly without even batting a nostril or fang,

We arrogate to ourselves, routinely,

The capacity to blast, to ashes, with atomic flashes,

Entire populations, bring them to their irradiated kneecaps,

Just justification necessary.

Third, when all Four-Horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse else fails,

Is said and done and buried or not — rotting, vaporizing —

We're left with this deafening, dumbing realization:

By and large and small, big and tall,

We're all just lowly beasts of burden, mindless kindred kine,


Social, comfort-seeking, habitual creatures of the ooze and slime,

Hard-wired to wreak unadulterated evil —

Pathetically overachievingly ambitious misfits

Scheming against our innate drive to survive ourselves,

To be the first to fast-track our species back to bacteria.



















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