Archive 06/14/09 - (1)


The Beginning


How I've grown so old, seemingly overnight,

Makes no sense to me,

Especially when I realize that my journey has just begun,


The one I've been planning in my dreams' dreams,

Whose itinerary leads to a destination

My heart is as yet incapable of fathoming


And for which I'm going to need my most robust energy

Just to navigate the vast gossamer cosmos,

At whose far side I'll light,


Assuming I can harness the will, courage to take flight,

Soar toward that state of grace

Where my aging spirit will be subsumed by my ageless soul.


I keep wondering why I seem so recently old.

Could it be that, overnight, I died,

And that this morning is the beginning of my odyssey?










06/14/09 - (1)












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