Archive 06/15/09 - (1)




Grieving isn't easy.

It's no reasonable beast, to be sure,

Rather a mean-spirited, merciless, evil son-of-a-bitch

That eats people's psyches, without remorse,

Just for the pure pleasure it derives

From witnessing the destruction it leaves behind,

Like a pyromaniac, at the scene of a crime.


For those of us yet tied to a requited love come undone,

Buried under the rubble of a troubled dissolution,

Crawling out from under the addiction is,

At its most salutary, Sisyphean,

At its least treacherous, a descent into the black abyss,

From which all the world's villainous tyrannies issue.

Breaking the spell is hellacious.


Grieving, deep down, abominates us, our feelings.

For it to sustain itself, remain relevant, thrive,

It has to keep us wallowing in our melancholy,

By nailing our saddened hearts to sorrow's crucifix,

Keep us bleeding, filling emotion's grail, to its rim.

But only by ultimately saying no, slaying the beast,

Can we take strength from the pain it's left in its wake.








06/15/09 - (1)












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