Archive 06/19/09 - (1)


Slipping Farther Away


How he let everything slip away

Is difficult, indeed impossible, for him to say,

All the more so since he's dead.


Yet with all his newfound "free time,"

One would surely believe

He'd be able to exhume a few useful insights,


A reasonable explanation or two,

At least a speculation, a wild stab in the dark,

As to how he could lose everything,


Without so much as the slightest forewarning

That his essence would jettison his spirit,

Abandon him, in his moment of unknowable truth.


But destiny blindsided him with such abruptness

That he never has sized it up,

Recognized the enormity of its predatory proportions,


Rather just keeps slipping farther away,

Being sucked into its vaporizing insubstantiality —

One more victim of death everlasting.








06/19/09 - (1)












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