Archive 07/15/09 - (1)




Cities glistening with golden domes;

Fountains flowing with the elixirs of youth;

Lands untrammeled,

Teeming with lush, virgin vegetation, flourishing fauna;

Ideas constrained

Only by an unwillingness to believe in things unseen

And a failure of nerve

To give imagination the freedom it needs,

So it can fulfill the colossal possibilities

Of its limitless permutational outreach;

Dreams dreaming dreamers' dreaming dreams;

Human beings being humane.


Delusions of a well-intentioned lunatic?

Prophecies of an inspired oracle gone mad?

The ranting inanities of a scatterbrained genius's insanity?

Or the exaggerated, last, exasperating aspirations

Of a civilization fast collapsing in on its vast blackness?

You tell me.














07/15/09 - (1)












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