Archive 08/07/09


Two Days


Two days

Compacted into a few quintessential visions,

A reverie of distilled images

Evanescing into the low-lying mists

Of my soul's slowly unfolding history:


Ruby-throated hummingbirds,

Buzzing busily as bees,

Shimmering, in a blurring viridescent flurry,

Near sugar-sweetened feeders,

Ceaselessly sipping the elixir, flitting away;


Tasseling cornstalks, eight feet high,

Calling me into the cathedral of their ripening,

To be baptized among their raspy leaves,

Asking me to caress their ears' silks,

Become one with their lushness;


A secluded gravel road

Wending deep into a warm forest

Teeming with blue herons, deer, May apples,

Guiding my gossamer spirit

Toward its source, then out, again.


Now, driving two hundred miles home,

My psyche's cargo infinitely light,

I no longer recognize who I was,

Two days ago.

Forgetting clears the way, for equanimity.






















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