Archive 08/13/09


A Lake


Everyone should have a lake in the valley of his soul,

A body of water and a shore to contain it,

Give it a shape that imagination can embrace —


Not so boundless as to be a cauldron for the elements

Yet not so tame, either,

That its worshipers drown in boredom, lassitude, languor —


A refuge to which world-weary journeyers can retreat,

To restore the forgotten pleasures of the heart:

Tranquillity, solitude, solemnity, serenity, calm,


The sense of peace that draws its seekers inward,

Beckoning them to peer into the lake's depths,

Connect with its intellect, the essence of its prescience,


The life-force that gives its molecules liquid integrity,

Heals souls that repair to its shores, to bathe,

Redeems them of their ennui, makes them whole, sacred.























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